Heatmaps of fixations and indoor scenes with heatmaps

The Memory and Eye Movements lab is directed by Dr. Michelle Ramey. We investigate human memory at a basic level and in aging using eyetracking, novel paradigm design, and computational modeling.

Our main focus is on probing the processes underlying episodic memory, particularly our ability to recognize things we have seen before. We also leverage interactions between memory and other cognitive processes, primarily visual attention and semantic knowledge, to better understand memory itself.

Some examples of the basic questions we investigate:

  • Does how you look at something determine how well you’ll remember it?
  • How do our unconscious memories influence our behavior?
  • Why is it that you can be sure you know someone, but have no idea where you know them from?
  • Do our habits and stereotypes bias our memories?
  • Can we learn to leverage semantic knowledge more effectively to improve our memory as we get older?

For more details, see the Research page.